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Embed Your Virtual Tours on Your Site

Using a pre-formatted code, you can embed your Threshold virtual tours onto any page on your website.

To embed your entire virtual tour (all spaces):

  1. Login to your Threshold Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Location tab if you're not already there when you login. 
  3. Scroll down the page to the Location Details section.
  4. You should see a blue Embed button, click and then select Copy on either the Javascript or the iframe code (depending on which one your website utilizes). 
  5. Now with the code copied, you can navigate to your own website and paste it into your website's CMS to embed it within a webpage or blog post. 

To embed a single space from your virtual tour: 

  1. Login to your Threshold Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Location tab if you're not already there when you login. 
  3. Scroll down to the Virtual Spaces section. 
  4. Navigate to the thumbnail of the individual space you want to embed and click the kebab menu ().
  5. Click Embed this space and copy the preferred code format (Javascript or iframe).
  6. Now with the code copied, you can navigate to your own website and paste it into your website's CMS to embed it within a webpage or blog post.

To embed a selection of spaces from your virtual tour: 

  1. Login to your Threshold Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Location tab if you're not already there when you login. 
  3. Scroll down to the Share Pages Section and click Add Custom Share Page.
  4. A window will appear and allow you to create a Custom Share Page and adjust:
    1. The Share Page link
    2. Name the Share Page (internally)
    3. Add a Call to Action button and URL
    4. Select the particular spaces you want to appear in the Share Page. 
  5. Once you've made your space selections, scroll down to the bottom of the window and click Save
  6. Close the Custom Share Page window and you'll see the Share Page you created listed in the panel. Note the Copy Link button, you'll come back to that in a second.
  7. Scroll up and navigate to the Embed button under the Location Details section.
  8. Now this next part may seem a bit tricky, but all you'll need to do is copy the embed code (Javascript or iframe) and replace the URL listed within the code with the Custom Share Page link you just created. Copy the embed code, paste it into your website's CMS and then go back to the Share Page section and click Copy Link on your custom Share Page. Replace the URL in the embed code with this link.
    1. Here's an example using iframe:
      1. <iframe
          style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 600px; max-height: 80dvh;"
      2. Replace the URL above with the Custom Share Page link, like this one: https://viewer.threshold360.com/?thresholdId=Hotel-Haya-e12657fc2864&preset=share

⭐ Embed codes and custom Share Pages work dynamically, so you can make edits or changes to the virtual tours in your Dashboard and they will reflect automatically within the embedded virtual tour, without having to re-embed the code.

If you need further assistance or help with embedding, please reach out to support@threshold360.com for assistance.