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How to Prepare for your Capture Appointment

Get the most out of your Capture with these tips for preparing your spaces.

Check out this video or read thru the questions and answers below. 

  • How should we set up?
    • If your team has the capacity and you wish to set up your space as if you’re expecting guests or hosting an event - go for it! These virtual tours are meant to help you sell your space. With that said, please note that the 360º cameras are not suited for detailed imagery (think food photography or small signage), so don't create extra work for you and your team.
    • We ask that storage, debris, and anything you would not want a prospective guest to see be removed. A simple rule of thumb: if something is within view of the camera, it will capture it. 
    • Be sure to have all lighting turned on throughout your interiors, including lamps in guest bedrooms in hotels. While a room may appear bright enough to the naked eye, the warm light from interior lighting gives the image a much better, more inviting tone. 
    • You should proactively walk your space before a Creator's arrival and ensure the lights are on and rearrange any items that are out of place according to your visual standards. some Creators will turn off the lights as they finish capturing an area so you know where they've already completed. 
  • Who will be coming to our capture session? Is it an entire team?
    • Only a single Creator will show up with a tripod and a 360° camera. The Creator capturing your space will be listed on the confirmation email you receive once you schedule with us, which you can do by going here
  • Do you do any editing of the virtual tour images?
    • Our imagery is not edited beyond our in-house processing tools, which include general brightening and color correction, facial blurring, removing single panos, or removing a tour(s). So if there is something in the shot that does not belong, it will be captured! 
  • How do I let the Creator know what I would like captured?
    • When you schedule with us by going to threshold360.com/capturescheduling you'll get a chance to input a shot list (like this). This is sent directly to our Creator, but you can email scheduling@threshold360.com if you need any changes before your appointment. Otherwise, the Creator will confirm this list with you upon arrival and make any changes that you'd like at that time. 
  • Does the shot list have to be captured in order?
    • Not at all. Typically our Creators capture in whatever order is most convenient for you according to what you have prepared. So, for example, if there's an event in the meeting room that will be cleared out in 30 minutes, then no worries, we can save that for last. 
  • What if we need more time than 90 minutes?
    • Appointment durations are adjusted based on your shot list details provided. Our default capture session takes an average of 90 mins, so reach out to scheduling@threshold360.com if you feel that your property will take longer than this so that we can extend the session. Otherwise, if you run out of time during your session, a return fee might be incurred. Email scheduling@threshold360.com to notify us that a follow-up will be needed.
  •  We have construction going on, so how should we proceed?
    • You can still book an appointment well into the future when you estimate construction will be completed. We kindly ask that if you need to postpone, please email scheduling@threshold360.com at least 24 hours before your appointment. 
  • What do we do about bad weather?
    • Unfortunately, we don't have any control over inclement weather, but we have some options: we can maintain your appointment and capture just the interior imagery and return for the exterior imagery at another time, or we can reschedule and capture it all at once at a later date. Please let us know at least 72 hours in advance if you need to reschedule entirely.
  • Can your Creator fill out a release form?
    • Our Creators are prohibited from signing any release forms outside of a COVID medical screening form, etc. If this is an issue for your location, contact us by emailing fieldoperations@threshold360.com.
  • When can I expect to see the tours?
    • 72 hours after your appointment, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to see and share your tours.
  • How do we put the content on our website?
    • All content can be easily embedded on a website using the Threshold Platform, which gives you access to the embed code and other tools you need to do this - along with analytics, our Custom Maps, and much more.
    • Jump to the Implementation section for more information and best practices.